Developing talent through inspirational training


Welcome to MPT Institute

Informing and Introducing Individual Empowerment Skills Site and Training for Business Success

MPT Academy is an information institute on online short skills-based training for persian community to help individuals, teams and organizations improve performance. We teach you one-on-one tutoring, group workshops, large seminars, and blended learning options across a range of subject areas.

Our training provision is pragmatically designed and applied with minimal jargon and theoretical hype. We work with organisations to understand what improvements they want and we design and deliver training and development courses and programmes according to those specific requirements.

Leadership training programmes, management training and team building are core business development modules that we deliver both in house and as scheduled open courses. Effective leaders, cohesive teams and staff engagement impact on organisational efficiency, customer service, aid staff retention and reflect on sales and profitability. 

We organize free training courses and seminars to get acquainted with the basics of individual skill training and register the names of those who participate. This is reflected in the client recognition of the effectiveness of the training and the commitment to roll out bespoke and modular training to reap the rewards within their organisations. 

MPT started out of frustration in attending the same old one day training wonders where you were force fed as much as you could handle in a day only to forget most of it within 24 hours and so received minimal return on investment.

Important Note: The names of the people mentioned on this site and the certificates issued by our representative are the "only" certificates for participation in marketing and advertising seminars and the introduction of attending short-term training courses in the country of origin. Certificates are not worth studying at university or equivalent to a university degree, can not be translated and used in immigration and employment abroad. Certificates are issued free of charge and only the cost of printing and sending them is received from the applicant.

Inspirational Training and Development

Management Training Course

Our award winning flagship Management Development programme consists of 8 or more interactive learning modules.

Leadership Training

Designed for senior managers or aspiring senior managers to advance their pragmatic leadership performance.

One to One

One to one and executive team coaching develops measurable personal, social and professional confidence and competence from assertiveness to business growth .

Team Building

Developing, working and performing together as an interdependent team achieving the focused success criteria.

Sales Training Courses

One to one, group, bespoke and conference style provision on how to sell with confidence.

Wellbeing Series

Engaged prevention training and programmes to enable your people to enhance their sustainable motivation and performance.

Customer Care Courses

The Customer Care programme is designed and delivered as a bespoke in-house solution to heighten the service delivery culture within any organisation.

Skills Clinics

Bite sized sessions ranging from 1 hour to multiple days addressing specific personal and professional skills.

Bespoke Training Courses

Half-day, 1 day or multiple interventions to assist individuals, teams and organisations scratch their itch and thrive.

What's going on?

Here at the MPT Academy we like to know what's going on out there. Some of what we learn is worth sharing, whether it's some best practice we picked up at one of our training workshops, or a topical discussion point we found out about, or the latest research worth considering for your organisation or pure and simple the successes generated by our training solutions.